User journey
User's Financial Goal
Register with bank account/ manually
Categorizing subscriptions
Subscriptions activity rate
Identify subscriptions that low activity rate
User receives alerts upon settings
User set up alerts and notification
Summarize next cycle of billing
Logs cancelled subscriptions
Cancellation of subscriptions
App Section
Sync bank account to the app
Manually enter subscriptions
Track trials
Enter bank information
Enter subscriptions information
Enters subscriptions trial start and end dates
Monitor subscription activity
Tracks each subscription frequent used activity
Cancel a subscription
Subscription billing history
Predicted cost of next month billing
View specific subscription to cancel
Monitor if a user is active with certain subscription
See future spending in advance
Compare current subscriptions costs to user's financial goal
Categorized subscriptions
Subscriptions are organized in different categories
View specific subscription
Easy to find a needed subscription to cancel
Notifications and Alerts
Notifications of next billing cycle through texts/phone
Alerts of trial ending through texts/ phone
Notify if the subscriptions are inactive for x amount of hours/ days
View text messages to be reminded
Cancel trial phase before subscriptions charge
Cancel inactive subscriptions when needed
Reach financial goal
Must Have
Account set up
Activity status of subscriptions
Current and next month subscription spendings
Should Have
Notification and alerts
Cancelation of subscriptions
Categorize subscriptions
Reminders of trials
Could Have
Won't Have
Financial goals
Spending analysis
Lower subscriptions prices
Savings tips
Suggested subscriptions
Trial phase notifiations
Information Architecture

Initial Sketches

Concept 01

Concept 02

Concept 03